Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I've seen Him do it - Kurt Carr & The Kurt Carr Singers

The first time I listened to this song, it touched me and really blessed me....I was encouraged, so I thought to share it with you when I remembered it today. Whatever it is you are going through, just remember that there are no impossibilities with our God and He is forever faithful. Be encouraged.

For someone facing incredible obstacles in your life:
I want you to lean on God and trust his flawless record.
He never fails; he can do the impossible.
How do I know? I've seen him do it!

Verse 1
I have no doubt my God can do the impossible.
I know he can; I've seen him do it.
He can turn the mess you're in to an awesome miracle.
I know he can; I've seen him do it.
Whatever problem you've got,
If you just give it to God, he'll work it out.
How do I know?

I've seen him do it. I've seen him do it. [x4]

Verse 2
When your life has gone astray,
He'll preserve and cover you with his grace
That's how God works; I've seen him do it.
And he'll erase your past,
So people can never dangle it in your face.
That's how God works; I've seen him do it.
When you need a miracle, he's more than capable.
How do I know? How do I know?

God never fails, My God never fails. [x2]

I've seen him...

I've seen him do it... I've seen him do it. [x2]

Yes... I've seen him do it. [x2]
I've seen him do it. [x10]
Yes... I've seen him do it. [x4]

I've seen him do it. I've seen him do it. [x3]

Yes... I've seen him do it. [x2]
I've seen him do it. [x8]
Yes... I've seen him do it.
I've seen him do it. [x16]

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